Verslo technologijų įmonės „Digital Mind“ vykdomasis direktorius Rinalds Sluckis. Dažnai norisi manyti, kad esame skaitmeniškai pažengusi šalis. Iš dalies tai gyvenimas praeitimi ir iliuzija. Praeitimi todėl, kad anksčiau mes turėjome vieną iš sparčiausių pasaulyje internetų, tačiau seniai jau daugelis mus aplenkė. Iliuzija todėl, kad sektoriai, kurie iš tiesų pasikeitė, pavyzdžiui, plačiai prieinamos valstybės ir savivaldybių […]
Skaityti daugiau20.05.2022.
„Digital Mind AS“, didelių ir vidutinio dydžio organizacijų verslo procesų skaitmenizavimo ekspertė Baltijos šalyse, pranešė įsigijusi 100 % UAB „Alna Business“, UAB „Alna Business Solutions“ ir jos patronuojamosios įmonės Lenkijoje „Alna Business Solutions Sp. z o.o“ (toliau – „Alna Business“ įmonių grupė), įmonių išteklių planavimo („Enterprise Resource Planning“, ERP) sprendimų lyderių Lietuvoje ir Lenkijoje, besispecializuojančių „Microsoft […]
Skaityti daugiau27.04.2022.
Išmaniojo procesų automatizavimo (angl. robotic process automation; RPA) įdiegimas vidutinėje ar didelėje įmonėje bus naudingas tiek pačiai organizacijai, tiek jos darbuotojams bei klientams. Be to, vertinant pranašumus, reikėtų atsižvelgti ne tik į tiesioginę investicijų grąžą, bet ir į iš karto pinigais neišmatuojamą ilgalaikę naudą, pavyzdžiui, tai, kad rutininių darbų sumažėjimas padidins darbuotojų pasitenkinimą ir lojalumą įmonei.
Skaityti daugiau13.04.2022.
Žodis „automatizavimas“ verslo aplinkoje tapo toks pat apibūdinantis epochą ir dažnai vartojamas kaip tvarumas, skaitmeninimas, klientų patirtis ir kt. Vis daugiau įmonių renkasi galimybę pasinaudoti moderniomis technologijomis ir išlaisvina savo darbuotojus nuo įprastų darbų, taip pagreitindamos ir tobulindamos verslo procesus. Automatizavimo tipai gali būti įvairūs, čia siūlome robotikos procesų automatizavimą ir darbo vietų užduočių automatizavimo […]
Skaityti daugiau15.03.2022.
Žvelgiant į istoriją, sėkmingi yra tie verslininkai, kurie seka technologinę pažangą ir kuo greičiau prie jos prisitaiko ar net žengia žingsnį toliau. Būna ilgesnių laikotarpių, kai atrodo, kad technologijos „stovi vietoje“, tačiau būna laikotarpių, kai technologijų pažanga vyksta labai sparčiai. Jie dažnai vadinami pramonės revoliucijomis. Peržengėme ketvirtosios pramoninės revoliucijos slenkstį, o greitas prisitaikymas prie naujų […]
Skaityti daugiau08.03.2022.
Kai Rusija pradėjo karą Ukrainoje, ir mes matome padidėjusį kibernetinių atakų intensyvumą. Tai kelia klausimus: „Kaip suprasti, kokia pažeidžiama yra mūsų įmonė ir ar mūsų sistemos saugios? ir „Kaip vadovui kalbėti apie informacijos saugumo problemas įmonėje?“. Pirmąją karo dieną, vasario 24 d., Krašto apsaugos ministerija nurodė valstybės institucijoms sugriežtinti saugumo priemones1 ir prognozavo kibernetinių incidentų […]
Skaityti daugiau22.02.2022.
At some point in a company’s development, it might feel like work is ‘stuck’, growth is not happening as fast as it used to, and changes are needed to keep the company growing and evolving. The following are the most common signs of digitalization as a powerful tool to reinvigorate a company.
Skaityti daugiau03.02.2022.
Microsoft Power Platform is a high-performance application development platform that includes multiple tools for building business solutions in one integrated environment. The platform offers businesses the ability to analyze and visualize business results in real-time, quickly and easily create custom applications, automate workflows, integrate artificial intelligence capabilities - in other words, find new approaches and solutions to improve business performance.
Skaityti daugiau17.01.2022.
Currently, the introduction of business automation processes in the Baltics is particularly topical, as all Baltic countries will face a major challenge in the coming decade - a shortage of workforce. This means that companies and institutions need to think about how to automate processes, outsource them to robots and free up workers from manual activities so that they can devote their time to more intellectual work.
Skaityti daugiau06.01.2022.
Living in the shadow of the pandemic for almost two years, businesses have adapted to the new reality relatively good and the operational restrictions caused by Covid-19 cannot shake up business as much as before, because remote work and provision of digital services have become a day-to-day practice. The spectre of the pandemic has now been replaced by another threat - increasingly rising inflation, and not only in Latvia, but practically all over Europe.
Skaityti daugiauEvery now and then you can run into a situation where data just can’t be exported from one system and imported to another. Surely, RPA can help with this. In this case, we had two applications: one that has russian language knowledge and the other didn’t.In order to transfer vocabulary, someone had to gather all […]
Skaityti daugiau Digital MindMost of the medium and large size companies have some data warehouse and analytics solutions. Department managers keep producing more and more complex reports to get the data out of their systems and make data-driven decisions. In this case the management needs a few simple data sheets combined from all those reports from different sources. […]
Skaityti daugiau Digital MindFor companies who charge their customers for services such as time resource (consulting) or utility resources (electricity, gas, water) it is crucial to make invoicing by fact as easy as possible. But, of course, accountants use one system for their financial processes and invoicing, and the consumed resources are measured and logged in some other […]
Skaityti daugiau Digital MindFixed Asset acts are one of the documents that every administrative accountant wishes to prepare and print from their ERP systems with a single click. In some systems and organisations that is possible because either the system has many implemented features that allow such a document generation or the documents that are not too complex […]
Skaityti daugiau Digital MindUsually department managers or the head of the company review outstanding vendor balances and approve/decline payments afterwards processed by accountants. This specific process requires a spreadsheet with total vendor balances. Each company lists vendors in a separate sheet. This spreadsheet is generated from ERP. When all the approvals are registered, this spreadsheet is passed to […]
Skaityti daugiau Digital MindToday I am going to share how we manage RPA – a process that involves a lot of people and requires a lot of communication between them. When someone creates a new campaign with discounted products it needs to be approved by product/brand managers and account managers. This means sending e-mails, making phone calls, reminding […]
Skaityti daugiau Digital MindThis is one of the monthly processes that make our accountant unavailable for a week (either end/start of month or some 20th dates of government report deadlines). If we want some help from these people without causing them to do more overtime work to catch up the lost time, we need to help them – […]
Skaityti daugiau Digital MindWhen company grows, it starts to gather more and more fixed assets. For accounting that means more actions regarding their depreciation. This usually is a straight forward process which users do manually. They have to open ERP, filter specific Fixed Assets, and enter a specific date for all of them. They have to generate a […]
Skaityti daugiau Digital MindCurrency rates usually are imported by some web service. But where it is not an option, users are forced to update the rates manually. That means opening official website of the central bank of the desired country, finding the latest rates, opening the ERP, navigating to the currency rates register, and entering the date and […]
Skaityti daugiau Digital MindSurely most ERP solutions offer Bank statement import. Unfortunately, as „gateway/online connections” directly to banks are costly and more complex to develop, updating info from bank still happens through XML files. Users log in the bank, download statements, save them in specific folders, then open ERP, navigate to a specific function, enter some parameters, and […]
Skaityti daugiau Digital MindTurite klausimų? Susisiekite su mumis!